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GSA and VA bring solar-powered EV charging stations to US

The US General Services Administration (GSA) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) have announced a contract for the purchase of 140 solar-powered electric vehicle charging stations at 34 sites around the USA. 
By James Foster October 21, 2022 Read time: 1 min
The GSA and VA say solar-powered stations increase the flexibility of EV charging 
The GSA and VA say solar-powered stations increase the flexibility of EV charging

VA says it is leaning in on the acquisition of ZEVs (zero emissions vehicles) and taking this step to support those electric vehicles with the purchase of solar electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE).

The 140 solar-powered EVSE stations maximise VA’s flexibility on charging because they are both mobile, rely on carbon-free electricity for the vehicles, and are independent of the grid. Each EVSE station is equipped with four charging ports that will support VA’s growing fleet of ZEVs.

VA is looking to install charging stations at its medical centres and other locations in preparation for transitioning its fleet to ZEVs. These sites contribute to the growing number of properties around the country with dedicated charging stations, which will support a more sustainable transportation future.

Solar EVSE, such as the equipment procured for the VA, is 100% renewable. These types of charging stations can supplement or create charging hubs at sites that may not have existing electrical capacity. They are also mobile and eliminate installation costs, which can be quite costly at older facilities.

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