NEVI (National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure) is administered by the Federal Highway Administration and supported by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (Joint Office) and invests US$5bn to deploy fast chargers along more than 79,000 miles of designated alternative fuel corridors.
Already, seven states have issued conditional awards for new NEVI stations amounting to US$101.5m, two states have agreements in place, and 17 states are soliciting proposals for new stations. On 18 October 2023, Ohio was the first state in the nation to break ground on a NEVI station, which will be located west of Columbus. States are rolling out this national system with increasing speed.
The following is a summary of the seven public conditional NEVI award details:
On 11 July 2023, Hawaii Department of Transportation (HDOT) announced awards for its initial round of FY 22 NEVI funding to procure eight charging stations across two sites. HDOT utilised an existing contract with Sustainability Partners, a public benefit company mandated to form reliable and enduring partnerships with public institutions for the advancement of their critical infrastructure. Hawaii will have an estimated US$17.7m in total funding under the NEVI program.
On 13 July 2023, Ohio DOT (ODOT) awarded more than US$18m in conditional NEVI funds for 27 electric vehicle fast charging stations along seven of Ohio’s interstate corridors, including I-70, I-71, I-74, I-75, I-76, I-77, and I-90. ODOT has mentioned that it intends to issue the second request for proposals to install an additional 16 charging stations along Ohio’s major US and state routes. The state will have an estimated US$140.1m in total funding under the NEVI program.
On 1 August 2023, Recharge Maine, the state's initiative to develop a statewide network of public, high-speed EV chargers, announced more than US$6m in conditional NEVI awards at seven station locations. Through a separate competitive solicitation to deploy funds from the Maine Jobs and Recovery Plan (MJRP), Recharge Maine simultaneously announced awards to an additional five sites. The state will have an estimated US$19.3m in total funding under the NEVI program.
On 3 August 2023, the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) announced US$17m in grant awards through its Direct-Current Fast-Charging (DCFC) Plazas program. With funding from the NEVI Program and the state’s Community Access Enterprise, these grants will expand Colorado’s existing network of 871 fast-chargers by more than 20%, adding 188 publicly accessible chargers. Funding for the NEVI program comes to CEO from the federal government through the Colorado Department of Transportation. Colorado will have an estimated US$56.5m in total funding under the NEVI program.
On 14 August 2023, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation announced the first round of conditional awards for NEVI funding and amended on 21 September to include 57 selected projects in 38 counties to expand access to and reliability of electric vehicle charging in Pennsylvania. The 57 projects conditionally awarded amount to a total federal investment of US$35.8m the first round of NEVI funding. Pennsylvania will have an estimated US$171.5m in total funding under the NEVI program.
On 24 September, 2023, the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) and the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF) announced their first round of awards for NEVI funding. AEA and DOT&PF selected projects in nine Alaskan communities, conditionally awarding US$6.4m in first round NEVI funding matched with US$1.6m from private entities selected to install, own, and operate the new electric vehicle (EV) charging stations. Alaska will have an estimated US$52.4m in total funding under the NEVI program.
On 5 October 2023, the Kentucky Transportation Cabinet (KYTC) announced conditional awards for US$10.9m in funding under the NEVI program. The funding will go toward the construction of 16 public charging stations along 11 Alternative Fuel Corridor groups by six qualified developers. On 23 October, Kentucky announced an additional eight public charging stations will be implemented by five developers, conditionally awarding another US$4.5m in funding. Kentucky will have an estimated US$69.5m in total funding under the NEVI program.