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Cross-industry coalition launched to accelerate zero-emission vehicle infrastructure deployments

Powering America’s Commercial Transportation (PACT) has been launched with the express purpose of overcoming the many barriers delaying access to ZEV infrastructure.
By James Foster February 14, 2024 Read time: 2 mins
PACT exists to educate stakeholders about infrastructure challenges that hamper M/HD ZEV adoption in the marketplace. Image: PACT
PACT exists to educate stakeholders about infrastructure challenges that hamper M/HD ZEV adoption in the marketplace. Image: PACT

Established by Daimler Truck North America, Navistar, and Volvo Group North America, PACT is the unified voice for medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicle infrastructure. The coalition will focus on education and advocacy for accelerating the construction of nationwide infrastructure for medium- and heavy-duty (M/HD) zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs).

Coalition partners collectively represent approximately 70% of all new M/HD truck sales in the US and are committed to ambitious electrification goals. Each original equipment manufacturer (OEM) has battery-electric vehicles in the marketplace, but access to charging infrastructure is an increasingly significant bottleneck to the widespread adoption of these technologies. Coalition membership is open to all stakeholders with an interest in accelerating the deployment of zero-emission commercial vehicles and the requisite infrastructure, including other OEMs, infrastructure developers, electric utilities and grid operators, and others. Other founding members include ABB E-mobility, Burns & McDonnell, BC Hydro, Greenlane, Prologis, and Voltera.

So far in the United States, transportation electrification has largely focused on the needs of light-duty passenger vehicles, a far different market segment that does not require the same specialist considerations as M/HDs. Quickly deploying reliable and accessible ZEV infrastructure to power the nation’s commercial transportation fleet necessitates distinct considerations for capital investment, electrical grid upgrades and dedicated charging equipment. According to the International Council on Clean Transportation, nearly 700,000 chargers will be needed nationwide to accommodate the one million Class 4-8 M/HD ZEVs anticipated to be deployed by 2030, which will consume 140,000 megawatts of electricity every day, equivalent to the monthly energy needs of over 100 million American homes.

"Decarbonising the commercial transportation sector – the fleets that keep America moving – is critical to meeting our nation’s climate goals. But the transition to zero-emission vehicles is stalling without the deployment of the needed charging infrastructure,” said John O'Leary, president and CEO of Daimler Truck North America. “Through PACT, we aim to accelerate this infrastructure buildout so that fleets can adopt ZEVs at scale, and we can all benefit from impactful emissions reductions as quickly as possible."

While supporting the deployment of commercial ZEV infrastructure, PACT will not advocate for specific vehicle, power generation, or utility distribution technologies.  The body exists to educate stakeholders about infrastructure challenges that hamper M/HD ZEV adoption in the marketplace and work with stakeholders to find solutions for the benefit of all interested parties. The coalition also champions practical and efficient infrastructure solutions capable of supporting increasing M/HD ZEV deployments.

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