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Third round of EV fast track zero-emission vehicle infrastructure funding incentives in California

The third round of the CEC's EnergIIZE Electric Vehicle Fast Track funding lane will open at 9:00 am Pacific Time on 7 February 2024.
By James Foster January 23, 2024 Read time: 2 mins
Applications to the EnergIIZE Project will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and incentives are expected to be fully subscribed in minutes. Image: EnergIIZE Commercial Vehicles
Applications to the EnergIIZE Project will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis and incentives are expected to be fully subscribed in minutes. Image: EnergIIZE Commercial Vehicles

It is expected to be fully subscribed in minutes, as was the case with the first two rounds, demonstrating the high demand for EV charging infrastructure among electric vehicle fleet owners and operators.

One of four funding lanes offered by the California Energy Commission's (CEC) EnergIIZE (Energy Infrastructure Incentives for Zero-Emission Commercial Vehicles), EV Fast Track targets fleets with pre-existing commercial battery-electric vehicle commitments: those fleets who have already procured zero-emission MD/HD battery-electric vehicle(s), or who have an active MD/HD vehicle purchase order.

Fast Track funds cover 50% of eligible equipment and software costs, up to a maximum of US$500,000 per project. Applicants may also receive up to 75% of equipment and software costs, not exceeding US$750,000 per project, if they qualify for EnergIIZE's EV Jump Start equity criteria. This is intended for fleets located in disadvantaged or low-income communities, or that meet one of several other eligibility requirements.

Eligible equipment under EV Fast Track includes Level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE); direct current fast-charge (DCFC) EVSE; management software; switchgears; electrical panel upgrades; wiring and conduit; and meters.

Applicants will need to submit applications through the Incentive Processing Centre beginning at the designated start time.

"Funds offered through this round of EV Fast Track are more than double what they were in 2023, and we expect continued high demand," said Alyssa Haerle, Calstart's director of infrastructure incentive administration. "Interested fleet owners and operators should focus on providing a timely and complete application and can familiarise themselves with the application process ahead of the lane opening by navigating around the Sandbox this week."  

The Hydrogen funding lane will be the next EnergIIZE incentive lane to open, in April 2024. For more information on existing and upcoming funding opportunities, visit the EnergIIZE website.

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